Everything You Need to Understand About Conflict

Conflict is a part of life. People will always have their differences. In the workplace, people can disagree over anything, such as policies, decisions, ideas, and strategies. Even in close relationships, people have disagreements over money, children, outings, events, and other people.

Conflict is not always bad. When it is addressed and resolved, conflict often leads to positive changes, increased productivity, better decisions, innovation, and bonding among people. But conflict unresolved can lead to poor productivity, low morale, distrust, and failure. A leader must know how to handle conflict and do it with speed.

Conflicts may occur for two reasons:


*Issues and objectives

You can’t change someone’s personality, so don’t spend valuable time trying to do so. But don’t let a personality conflict between team members degenerate into a refusal to communicate or work with one another efficiently. Simply remind team members that they are not required to like each other, but you do expect them to put aside their personal differences and focus on achieving the team’s goal.

Many conflicts may just be misunderstandings. Once everyone knows the facts, the misunderstandings may disappear. Good communication helps in many conflict situations.

Methods for Resolving Conflict

Here are a few ways to approach resolving conflict.

1. Ignoring it

In some situations, the issue may not be important and it may be best to ignore it. Often, though, this method doesn’t work. The conflict doesn’t go away, it festers.

2. Smoothing it over

This method is appropriate when the issues are more important to each person involved. This will preserve harmony and goodwill.

3. Forcing

A leader uses power to resolve differences. This method is best used when an emergency requires a quick decision. This method can cause some resentment. Use it with care.


Each person makes a concession to arrive at a solution to get to results. Since each person will lose something if the situation continues, they may have less support for the solution. This takes listening and working together.


This is a good way to resolve the conflict. Each side recognizes the other’s needs as legitimate and important. They acknowledge their ability and expertise with respect and mutual understanding. Each person works together to arrive at an agreement. This will resolve the conflict.

Rules of Collaboration

* Mutual respect

* Discuss mutual purpose

* Create safety in the conversation

* Identify areas of agreement

* Identify areas of disagreement

* Search for solutions

* Reach consensus

* Keep an open mind

Brainstorm Solutions

Discuss possible solutions and brainstorm methods of agreement to maximize the end result. After the ideas are exhausted, each person should discuss both positive and negative aspects. Eventually, the list is narrowed to the idea that best resolves the problem.



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